
During the past two months, we’ve gathered feedback on the development of new skill standards to support flexible pathways into, through and across construction trades.

We are excited to share the draft Core Construction skill standards with you and invite your feedback.

Benefits for industry

  • The skill standards reflect critical common skills the construction industry values. 
  • They will become one set of “building blocks” used by all providers, reducing confusion and inconsistencies. 
  • The skill standards will support learner pathways by including a progression of skills and knowledge from starting out to working unsupervised.
  • Learners will be able to transfer their achievements between providers and across construction trades seamlessly.
  • Skill standards provide flexibility for learners without compromising the skills and behaviours that industry values. 

Technical Advisory Group (TAG) meeting

The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) met kanohi-ki-te-kanohi (in person) on 4 June.  Members considered the feedback received during the initial consultation phase to help shape the first drafts of the skill standards.

The table below includes the new working titles and downloadable copies of each draft Core Construction skill standard.

Health, safety, and wellbeing skills (Level 2)

Consistent with the initial consultation phase, health, safety, and wellbeing skills was a hot topic with TAG members. During the TAG hui, we were unable to reach a consensus on the focus/need for a skill standard at Level 2.

We are now establishing a working group to consider the options and potential skill focus of a health, safety, and wellbeing skill standard at level 2.

Please email your feedback on any of the skill standards to [email protected] before 5 pm, Wednesday, 3 July.

All feedback will be considered by the technical advisory group.

Questions and comments/Ngā pātai me ngā tākupu? Get in touch.