
Workforce Information Platform

Pūnaha Pārongo Ohu Mahi

Get reliable forecasts about labour gaps and surpluses in the construction and infrastructure labour markets

The Workforce Information Platform (WIP) is a forecasting tool that displays national and regional gaps and surpluses within the construction and infrastructure labour market. Waihanga Ara Rau leads the work on this tool. You can visit to interrogate data about the project pipeline, view labour forecasts, and see what construction and infrastructure newcomers were doing before joining. This enables you to target your recruitment activities to the right audiences.

The ability to provide and regularly update data on construction activity and associated workforce demand is a hugely valuable resource for industry councils, providers, employers, and career advisors in a business-as-usual setting. This information is critical to the economy during great change and disruption.

WIP relies on a mix of historical supply-demand data, forecast demand data based on identified significant construction and infrastructure projects and economic forecasting models.

The short-term demand model used across the site, including in calculating regional and industry supply/demand gaps, is based on the value of project work in Pacifecon’s National Construction Pipeline. Due to the optimism bias inherent in construction work, this will tend to overpredict demand in the short term and underpredict demand in the long term. A separate demand model based on an econometric projection of building consent value is used on the Supply and Demand page to provide a more stable forecast in the long term.

With data sources from Pacifecon, QV and Stats NZ IDI, WIP is much more than just a platform where you can interrogate and segment data.  You can also access the following valuable resources:

Get all your insights in one place

Visit the Waihanga Ara Rau Workforce Information Platform to get up to speed on the latest trends. It’s constantly being updated with new data. We know you’ll find out some interesting facts about the labour market in your region or trade each time you visit.