
Review of Roofing Qualification and Unit Standards

We’re in the final stages of review and development.

View the draft roofing documents and submit your feedback by 7 June 2024.

The current roofing qualification has been reviewed and new skill standards have been developed in consultation with the roofing industry and other stakeholders. We would like to acknowledge the time, expertise, and experience of those that have been involved.

The main change has seen the separation of the membrane roofing strand into 3 separate membrane strands along with the development of a suite of new skill standards.

Skill standards development

Skill standards will be the “building blocks” in all apprenticeship programmes. They will describe the skills, knowledge, and capabilities required of a person on completion of a roofing apprenticeship. These skill standards will replace unit standards.

Skill standard content includes:

Calculations and problem solving
Plans and specifications
New technologies
Managing environmental impact and sustainable practices
Rainwater systems
Safe working practices and identifying hazards.
Working as a team and with other trades on site
Planning and prioritising work
Each strand will include cladding specific skill standards covering:

·        cladding system requirements

·        installation

·        flashings

·        repair and maintenance, and

·        re-cladding of roof and wall cladding systems.


Qualification overview

Proposed strands:

Roof membrane (Removed and replaced with the new strands)
Concrete or clay tile roof cladding
Metal tile roof cladding
Profiled metal roof and wall cladding
Shingle or slate roof cladding
Single layer roof membrane (NEW)
Torch on roof membrane (NEW)
Liquid roof membrane (NEW)


To view the draft roofing documents and give your feedback please get in touch [email protected]


For more information about this project please reach out to [email protected]

If you would prefer to speak to our team to give your feedback, please email [email protected]