
What the Assurance team is working on

Tēnā koutou

Mike GrumballWe are well into our 2024 mahi, with much reflection and planning going into the first part of the year. Our reflection on 2023 looked at how we were engaging with our providers and undertaking our various legislative functions. Overall, we think 2023 was a successful year for the Assurance Team, and we have enjoyed the collaborative discussions with all our providers. Thank you for being willing to try something new with us. The outcome has certainly been positive.

In 2024, we are building on the work done in 2023 as part of our continuous improvement cycle. Our mahi for 2024 is based on:

  • National external moderation for 2024: Our moderation plan for 2024 was created using guideline principles from our moderation process. The plan identifies:
    • high-risk and capstone standards, high-focus standards, and industry-focus standards that will be called for post-assessment moderation.
    • the secondary school cluster groups that will be held for peer moderation of BCATS standards.
    • providers who will be called for post-assessment moderation during 2024, including the quarter the request shall be made.
    • If you don’t appear in the 2024 Moderation Plan, don’t worry. Your Waihanga Ara Rau representative will contact you to agree on a moderation plan for the year. This plan will be based on your internal moderation plan or the standards reported in 2023.
  • Assurance Plan: Our Assurance Plan for 2024 outlines our key deliverables and measurables for the Assurance Team. This includes several projects we will undertake this year to work with providers to improve on what we found in 2023. The projects will include professional development opportunities for providers and specific projects focusing on a key area. More details will be provided shortly, but we welcome any feedback regarding any workshop subjects you would like us to look at.

We look forward to working with you again in 2024 and building on our discussions in 2023. If you weren’t involved in 2023, don’t worry—your turn is coming in early 2024.

Ngā mihi nui, nā Mike Grumball.

Visit Assuring Quality with Waihanga Ara Rau: A guide to meeting standards for more about the team, our approach and other helpful information for 2024.