
Checklist guidelines for pre-assessment moderation

Assessment methods and conditions 

  • Assessment methods are consistent with unit standard requirements, including any special explanatory notes or guidance information.
  • Assessment environment and conditions meet the unit standard requirements and anything additional outlined in the CMR document (e.g. assessment activities cannot be simulated unless the unit standard specifies that simulation is acceptable).
  • There are provisions for ensuring authenticity for remote locations (if applicable).
  • Assessment conditions under which the assessment will take place are specified and in accordance with standards’ explanatory notes/guidance information (e.g. in a classroom with supervision; remotely; closed or open book).
  • There is a clearly defined resubmission or resit process.

Assessment task design 

  • The assessment is appropriate for the level and credit value of the unit standard.
  • The assessment activity gives the ākonga the opportunity to meet the requirements of all elements/outcomes in the unit standard.
  • Assessment instructions are clear and easy to understand.
  • For practical assessments, the ākonga has the opportunity to demonstrate repeatable performance.
  • Sufficient space is provided for an effective feedback process between the Assessor, the Verifier, and the ākonga.
  • Ākonga is required to make declaration statements to show that is their own work.

Assessment schedule/marking guidance

  • Evidence requirements, including explanatory notes, and/or model answers provide examples of appropriate responses that are consistent with the unit standard requirements; and judgement statements clearly describe the acceptable performance level.


  • Information is stored and presented effectively for both in-house and external moderation.
  • Any in-house policies or protocol documents that would assist with this pre-assessment moderation submission, including those specific to online submissions, are attached.

Download the pre-assessment moderation coversheet