
Short Course Training Project

Improving short-duration training courses

What this project is about

This project focuses on short-duration training courses critical to the cranes, scaffolding, working at height, elevated work platforms, and wheels, tracks, and rollers (WTR) work activities. These courses are essential for ensuring workers in high-risk environments are equipped with the skills and knowledge to perform their roles safely and effectively.

However, current training and assessment practices within these courses are falling short of meeting the expected outcomes of the standards or the expectations of industry. This gap is affecting both the quality of training and the confidence of employers in the competency of graduates.

To address this, we are working closely with industry leaders, training providers, and other stakeholders to identify practical, sustainable solutions. Together, we’re committed to raising the bar for training quality and ensuring it aligns with industry needs.

The problems to solve

In a competitive provider market, the duration of training courses is continually being shortened, which can compromise the depth and quality of learning.

There is a lack of consistency in recognising prior training or experience during the training and assessment process.

Assessments often place too much emphasis on theory, with practical tasks sometimes being simulated rather than reflecting real-world scenarios.

Training often fails to account for varying literacy levels or the needs of non-English speakers, creating barriers to effective learning.

The purpose and importance of refresher training are not always clearly communicated, leading to confusion about its value and necessity.

Stage 1 completed

Our Assurance team has been working hard to understand the size of this issue and has completed a number of discovery activities, including:

  • visiting providers to observe the delivery of courses
  • targeted post-assessment moderation of relevant unit standards
  • reviewing previous pre-assessment moderation applications

Findings from these activities were discussed in face-to-face workshops with industry and provider participants to determine some potential solutions. Stakeholders appreciated the opportunity to discuss training provision, particularly the importance of industry training meeting the needs of industry.

Next steps

The findings and recommendations in this project’s report will be used to inform Guidance Documents that we’ll develop. This work will start in early 2025 and will progress as follows:

  • Consult with WorkSafe, NZQA, CHASNZ and other WDCs.
  • Develop initial guidance documents for industry, providers, and secondary schools.
  • Gather a database from providers for all assessors who are currently assessing standards in this space.
  • Call specific post-assessment moderation from those providers that have reported results for secondary schools for standards.
  • Ensure the results of this project are considered for any current Waihanga Ara Rau qualification or standard reviews, or reviews that are being planned.
  • Communicate the outcomes from the project across industry and provider networks.

Get in touch

If you’d like more information about this project please get in touch.