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Joinery Detailing
Qualification and skill standards development
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Joinery Detailing Qualification and Skill Standards Development
Joinery Detailing feedback form
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Joinery detailing qualification
1) Does the qualification strategic purpose statement accurately describe the purpose of the qualification, the target group of learners, and the scope of practice of a joinery detailer?
2) Do the Graduate Profile Outcome (GPO) bullet points accurately describe the skills and knowledge required by Joinery Detailers?
GP01 Evaluate plans, specifications, and client requirements to provide solutions to manufacture joinery work.
GP02 Analyse compliance requirements, construction methods, material, and hardware specifications, for the development of joinery manufacturing documentation.
GP03 Use mathematical principles to complete calculations for joinery manufacturing drawings.
GP04 Use computer aided design software to produce accurate drawings and documentation, to capture innovations, reduce rework, and for continuous improvement.
GP05 Communicate with relevant stakeholders to ensure quality outcomes for the manufacture and assembly of joinery work.
GP06 Support team initiatives to upskill relevant personnel on construction and installation methodologies.
3) What skills and knowledge are missing from the graduate profile outcome bullet points?
4) Do you have any other comments or suggestions for content that will encourage people to achieve this qualification?
Joinery detailing skill standards
5) Do the learning outcomes of each skill standard describe the skills required to meet the description in the purpose statement?
JD01 Evaluate requirements for joinery detailing
JD02 Provide joinery detailing solutions for joinery work
JD03 Analyse technical information to develop joinery detailing manufacturing documentation
JD04 Apply legislative and regulatory frameworks to the development of joinery manufacturing drawings.
JD05 Produce calculations for joinery manufacturing drawings
JD06 Use computer aided design software to produce joinery manufacturing drawings
JD07 Maintain a software library for joinery detailing
JD08 Communicate with stakeholders for joinery detailing
JD09 Maintain professional standards and currency for joinery detailing
6) Will the assessment criteria of each skill standard make it easy for an Assessor to judge if a learner is competent?
JD01 Maintain professional standards and currency for joinery detailing
JD02 Provide joinery detailing solutions for joinery work
JD03 Analyse technical information to develop joinery detailing manufacturing documentation
JD04 Apply legislative and regulatory frameworks to the development of joinery manufacturing drawings.
JD05 Produce calculations for joinery manufacturing drawings
JD06 Use computer aided design software to produce joinery manufacturing drawings
JD07 Maintain a software library for joinery detailing
JD08 Communicate with stakeholders for joinery detailing
JD09 Maintain professional standards and currency for joinery detailing
7) Does the indicative content of each skill standard cover the key learning topics for each assessment criteria?
JD01 Maintain professional standards and currency for joinery detailing
JD02 Provide joinery detailing solutions for joinery work
JD03 Analyse technical information to develop joinery detailing manufacturing documentation
JD04 Apply legislative and regulatory frameworks to the development of joinery manufacturing drawings.
JD05 Produce calculations for joinery manufacturing drawings
JD06 Use computer aided design software to produce joinery manufacturing drawings
JD07 Maintain a software library for joinery detailing
JD08 Communicate with stakeholders for joinery detailing
JD09 Maintain professional standards and currency for joinery detailing
Joinery detailing programme guidance
8) Is the industry support information in the programme guidance document accurate?
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