
Skill standards good practice project

The introduction of skill standards allows us to reset how the vocational education system delivers the skills industry needs. We’re working with ConCOVE and Hummingbird Effect to develop Good Practice Guidance to support the successful implementation of skill standards.

Many in the construction and infrastructure industry will be familiar with good practice guidance, but it also applies to vocational education.

The introduction of skill standards, which will become the mandatory building blocks for all industry qualifications, is an opportunity for everyone involved in the design, delivery and quality assurance of vocational education to ‘get on the same page’ about the roles we play in creating a high-performing system that delivers for industry and learners.

The Skill Standards Good Practice research project will develop a capability-building Good Practice Toolkit to support excellence in the design, delivery and quality assurance of skills-standards-based qualifications. It will be developed with Waihanga Ara Rau, construction and infrastructure education providers and industry and is running until October 2024.

Learn more about this project at ConCOVE