
Water Services

Strategic Reference Group

About the Water Services Strategic Reference Group (SRG)

The Water Services SRG represents these industries:

  • Drinking water 
  • Stormwater 
  • Wastewater 
  • Water distribution networks

The Water SRG members are:

  • Dave Neru, Veolia New Zealand
  • Gareth Mappledoram, Downers, Water Services & Projects
  • Gillian Blythe, Water New Zealand
  • Belinda Cridge, Water New Zealand (seconded member)
  • Jennifer Leadley, New Zealand Trade and Industrial Waters Forum (NZTIWF)
  • Joshua McIndoe, Water Industry Operations Group (WIOG)
  • Kaarin Gaukrodger, Te Pūkenga
  • Kelvin Hill, Tauranga District Council
  • Maire Porter, Hamilton City Council
  • Nick Hewer-Hewitt, Wellington Water
  • Nicky Willcox, Watercare
  • Therese Urlich, Taumata Arowai
  • Tim Gibson, Citycare Water (SRG Chair)

The SRG is supported by Waihanga Ara Rau kaimahi Mike Grumball (Sponsor) and Kuini Saili (Relationship Manager).

Coming into effect early 2022, the establishment SRG were instrumental in the development of the Ko Wai tātau. We are water. Three Waters Workforce Development Strategy.   The SRG are currently focusing on:

  • Respect Māori interests and knowledge: development of Māori case studies and defining Māori roles through an industry sector needs analysis.
  • Create intuitive career pathways: promotion of roles through the development of industry profile videos and developing a programme for schools through the Wonder Project.
  • Design for career progression: defining pathways thorough competency and qualification frameworks.
  • Design for success: advice to TEC for funding of vocational education and training pathways and defining the workforce needs through a data driven needs analysis.
Workforce Development Plans
Water Services

Workforce Development Plan

In collaboration with industry, mainly through this Strategic Reference Group, we’ve developed a workforce development plan for the sector that includes recommendations that will enable the workforce to thrive. It also includes valuable data insights and forecasts about the workforce, employment and learners.

Find out what qualifications and standards development work is currently underway for Water Services.