
New micro-credentials for Temporary Traffic Management

Two new micro-credentials for Temporary Traffic Management have been approved by New Zealand Qualifications Authority | Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa (NZQA).

These are:

  • Temporary Traffic Management Design, Level 4 (128362)
  • Temporary Traffic Management Risk Assessment, Level 4 (128363)

These micro-credentials include skills and knowledge for risk assessment and temporary traffic management design. We have led this project, working with technical advisors from industry. Representatives from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, WorkSafe New Zealand, Civil Contractors New Zealand, the TTM Industry Steering Group and the TTM Credentials Framework Governance Group were involved in the development of these micro-credentials and support the need for these.

NZQA approval of these micro-credentials enables providers to start development of their learning programmes. These programmes should align with industry recommendations for delivery outlined in the micro-credential.

View Temporary Traffic Management Design, Level 4 (128362) on the NZQA website.

View Temporary Traffic Management Risk Assessment, Level 4 (128363) on the NZQA website.